Research contributions: Science and Nature [1]

Mikulic, D.G., Briggs, D.E.G. and Kluessendorf, J. 1985. A Silurian soft-bodied biota. Science 228, 715-717.

Research contributions: others [12]

Briggs, D.E.G. 1985. Arthropod paleobiology. Paleobiology 11, 361-367.

Briggs, D.E.G. 1985. Gigantism in Palaeozoic arthropods. Special Papers in Palaeontology 33, 157.

Briggs, D.E.G. and Clarkson, E.N.K. 1985. The Lower Carboniferous shrimp Tealliocaris from Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Science 76, 173-201 (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300010439).

Briggs, D.E.G. and Clarkson, E.N.K. 1985. Malacostracan Crustacea from the Dinantian of Foulden, Berwickshire, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Science 76, 35-40 (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300010270).

Briggs, D.E.G. and Whittington, H.B. 1985. Modes of life of arthropods from the Burgess Shale, British Columbia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Science 76, 149-160 (doi: 10.1017/S0263593300010415).

Cowie, J.W. 1985. Continuing work on the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. Episodes 8, 93-97.

Cowie, J.W. and Johnson, M.R.W. 1985. Late Precambrian and Cambrian geological time-scale. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 10, 47-64 (doi: 10.1144/GSL.MEM.1985.010.01.06).

Elliott, D.K. and Dineley, D.L. 1985. A new heterostracan from the Upper Silurian of Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 5, 103-110 (doi: 10.1080/02724634.1985.10011848).

House, M.R. and Dineley, D.L. 1985. Devonian Series boundaries in Britain, UK.Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 75, 301-310.

Mikulic, D.G., Briggs, D.E.G. and Kluessendorf, J. 1985. A new exceptionally preserved biota from the Lower Silurian of Wisconsin, U.S.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B 311, 75-85 (doi: 10.1098/rstb.1985.0140).

Rogers, M.J. 1985. Non-marine pelecypods from the Riversdale Group (Upper Carboniferous), Nova Scotia. 9e Congrès International de Stratigraphie et de Géologie du Carbonifère, Washington et Champaign-Urbana, 1979. Compte Rendu 5, 261-270.

Whittington, H.B. and Briggs, D.E.G. 1985. The largest Cambrian animal, Anomalocaris, Burgess Shale, British Columbia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B 309, 569-609 (doi: 10.1098/rstb.1985.0096).

Public understanding of science [3]

Briggs, D.E.G. 1985. Les premiers arthropodes. La Recherche 16, 340-349. (Reprinted in P. Janvier and P. Tassy (eds) 1989. La recherche en paléontologie, 107-131, Editions du Seuil, Paris.)

Briggs, D.E.G. 1985. Arthropods – “Non-aligned” arthropods, Crustacea, Chelicerata, Uniramia. in J.W. Murray (ed.) Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils, 199-207. Palaeontological Association and Longmans. (Published as a German translation: 1990 Arthropoden – “nicht eingeordnete” Arthropoden, Unterstamm Crustacea, Unterstamm Chelicerata, Unterstamm Uniramia. in J.W. Murray (ed.) Wirbellose Makrofossilien: ein Bestimmungsatlas, 223-230. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart. 266 pp.)

Briggs, D.E.G. and Whittington, H.B. 1985. The terror of the trilobites. Natural History 1985 (12), 34-39.